
Failing to Prepare is Preparing to Fail

Developing consistency in your competitive results starts with how you prepare for a tournament. The establishing an individualized routine is essential for every fencer’s training program. It creates a foundation which sets the tone for the rest of the day. How you feel going into a competition -both in your mind and body- should be planned out and rehearsed as if you have done it a million times before. That way, when it comes to competition day, you won’t feel as if it is a new and stressful experience.

Developing a game plan is a critical part of any competitive fencer’s training. It can make a huge difference in your competitive results. Inconsistent preparation can lead to inconsistent performances. Some fencers think that they have an established routine, when in fact they have a ritual. A ritual is based on superstitious behaviors which have no relation to performance (see Dumbo’s Magic Feather, Fencing.Net, August 20, 2007). It may stem from anxiety that is created by the athlete thinking they have little control over their performance. They are more concerned about what happens to them, rather than what they do that affects their performance.

Instead of having a ritual, a routine is an established plan that practices an athlete’s game-day preparation and in-competition game plan. These task-related behaviors give the athlete a sense of control, stability and readiness. A routine is developed in such a way that inconsistencies that negatively impact performance are significantly reduced.

There are many types of routines. Fencing being an individual sport, the type of routine that you make must be right for you. Have a routine for each part of the tournament preparation process.

Example of pre-tournament routine

Night before tournament

Morning of tournament

Example of pre-bout routine

Example of in-between touch routine

Example of post-tournament routine

Developing and following a routine doesn’t guarantee successful results every time to use them. What is does is take out the element of variability. If a fencer didn’t fence well in a tournament every once in a while and they have been following the same routine, they know that whatever went wrong had very little to do with following their routine. They can narrow down what could have caused the troubles they experienced. Instead of looking at many changing variables that could have caused them to fence poorly, their consistent routines can help them work on improving their weaknesses.

Check out this clip of the All Blacks Rugby team. This sort of routine would not be suitable for an individual fencer, but it is a routine that is suitable for a rugby team. Rugby is a team sport that requires a lot of aggression and team work. Part of their routine is to sing and act out a chant that has spiritual meaning to them. It not only unites the players, but gets the crowd “psyched” up along with them too.


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