Hudson is including fencing in it’s next edition of it’s Deca Sports franchise. Deca Sports 3 will include Wii Motion Plussupport and fencing will feature online play.
Accoding to the Destuctoid blog:
Hudson revealed Deca Sports 3 last night and the new entry to the series brings ten new sports games plus some new features to the franchise. Volleyball, racket ball, fencing, lacrosse, logging, springboard diving, halfpipe snowboarding, free style kayaking, air racing and giant slalom all make up the the new sports.
As of press time, the version of Deca Sports 3 that was available included only three sports: Air Race, Lacross, and Slalom Skiing.
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Fencing, Volleyball, Raquetball, and Lacrosse will feature online play while the other sports will have online leaderboards for high score.
A Fencing.Net Ladder for Deca Sports? Once we get a copy we’ll preview it and see what interest there is in the forums.
The final version of the game will feature ten events: Air Race, Slalom Skiing, Lacrosse, Springboard Diving, Indoor Volleyball, Racquetball, Kayaking, Logging, Halfpipe Snowboarding and Fencing.