Fill out one of these. (Image courtesy SampleWords)

Do you think you know who will win the 2010 Fencing World Championships?

Pit your predictive skills against the rest of the Fencing.Net community and see if you can come out on top.

The winner of each bracket (one bracket per each of the 6 individual events) wins bragging rights + a 2010 World Championships T-Shirt.  The top-4 get Fencing.Net T-Shirts.  One overall winner will receive a $50 gift certificate to Fencing.Net’s online store.

Predictions are due tonight for Men’s and Women’s Sabre (since those events start up on Saturday morning)

...and you could win one of these.

Head on over to the Fencing.Net 2010 Fencing World Championship brackets at

Link: 2010 Fencing World Championships Bracket Challenge
