New York, N.Y. – The men’s fencing team defeated Rutgers 14-13 but fell to Columbia 18-9 and St. John’s 15-12 while the women topped Rutgers 19-8 and St. John’s 15-12 and lost to Columbia 16-11.


Againist Columbia, the men’s team won in foil (5-4) but was blanked in sabre (0-9) and edged in epee (4-5). The women won in sabre (5-4) but lost in foil (4-5) and epee (2-7).

In the bout with St. John’s, the Tiger men won in foil (5-4) and lost in sabre (3-6) and epee (4-5) while the women also took the win in foil (5-4) as well as in epee (8-1) and only lost in sabre (2-7).

The men’s team swept local rival Rutgers in sabre (5-4), foil (8-1) and epee (6-3), while the women won in sabre (5-4) and foil (8-1) but lost in epee (6-3).
