Feint Deceive Exercises, Part II  (P: Pupil, L: Leader)

1.  Slow – Fast Tempo Exercise

L: Straight attack with lunge
P: Slow circular parry with retreat
L: Remain parried in the lunge
P: Change engagement and opposition riposte

What is going on here?  Let’s say that the attack was to 4 and
the pupil uses counter-6 for the parry.  The pupil now changes
engagement to 4 and extends the arm, keeping the leader’s blade
trapped in opposition.

While not suitable for an attacker with a quick remise, this
riposte clears the blade out a second time and makes it more
difficult for the leader to execute a counter-riposte.

2.  Slow – Fast Defense and Offense Exercise

A. L: Straight attack with lunge
P: Slow circular parry with retreat
L: Remain parried in the lunge
P: Change engagement and opposition riposte

B. P: Engage or change engagement with advance
L: Retreat, supporting the engagement
P: Change engagement with opposition attack and
   hit with lunge.

What is going on here?  In ‘B’ we have drill #1 as an
attack.  Starting in normal enguard (both in 4, assuming
same-handed fencers), the student presses 4 on the advance,
then executes a counter-6 engagement with the lunge.  This
quickly clears the blade away from the target and gives
control to the attacker.

In order to be most effective, the slow/fast tempo change
is needed.  Execute the engagement as a  slow tempo, then  
the counter engagement as a fast tempo.

3.  Slow – Fast Active Rest Exercise (No Hits)

A. P: Engage or change engagement 4 with advance
L: Retreat, supporting the engagement
P: Beat 4, extend (no hit or lunge)

B. P: Engage or change engagement 6 with advance
L: Retreat, supporting the engagement
P: Change beat 4, extend (no hit or lunge)

4.  Direct or Indirect Riposte Exercise

A. L: Straight attack with lunge
P: Lateral parry with direct opposition riposte
   (no retreat)

B. L: Straight attack with lunge
P: Lateral parry
L: Anticipates riposte and begins to parry
P: Disengage riposte

5.  Direct or Indirect Riposte Choice

A. L: Disengage feint with beginning of the lunge
P: Attempt circular parry
L: Deceive and complete lunge
P: Lateral parry and direct opposition riposte

B. L: Disengage feint with beginning of the lunge
P: Attempt circular parry
L: Deceive and complete lunge
P: Lateral parry
L: Anticipates riposte and begins to parry
   (remaining in the lunge)
P: Disengage riposte
