Articles By This Author

William & Mary Coach Conomikes Killed in Crash; 3 team members injured

WILLIAMSBURG – The College of William and Mary’s fencing coach was killed and three fencing students were injured in a wreck near Richmond on Saturday.

FIE Sabre Referee Video: Riposte, Remise

This 7 minute (7:15) video starts out with Christian Bauer talking about the so called "distance parry" in sabre where one fencer causes the other

Point in Line in Sabre: Referee DVD

Part 3 of the 5 part video series focuses on the application of the Point in Line in sabre fencing.  The overriding concern is with

FIE Arbitrage Sabre DVD – Part 2 of 5

Part Two of the FIE Sabre Referee Video is filled with examples of fencing actions. The video shows clips of sabre actions in real time

FIE Sabre Refereeing DVD

{mosimage} At the Prague World Cup this DVD was shown to the sabre referees and is being published by the FIE. The video files (in