Articles By This Author


Veteran’s World Fencing Championships – US Team Announced

The World Veterans Fencing Championships are a testament to the statement that athletes can compete in fencing well into their 60’s and beyond. More than

Video Call – Vezzali vs. Lamanova

It seems that actions that even the majority of the Fencing.Net community think are clear will cause some controversy. {youtube}P1KY07qUK6s{/youtube} The action in question occurs

Parent Guide to Fencing eBook
Fencing 101

Free Download – Parent’s Guide to Fencing

Download Fencing.Net’s Parent Guide to Fencing Free Download – Parent’s Guide to Fencing So what’s the catch? Why is this book completely free? There are

2007 Pan Americal Zonal Championships – Outlook

The 2007 Pan American Zonal Fencing Championships are being held this week outside of Montreal, Canada. These events count as Grand Prix events in terms

Equipment Review: Leon Paul USFA Branded Jacket

There have,been European made 350N kit from the major brands outside the US, but the cost was always 2-3 times higher than the non-350N kit