Articles By This Author

Psychological Preparation for Competition

by Dr. John Heil, Lewis-Gale Clinic, Department of Psychological Medicine This script was developed from a series of sport psychology seminars in February 2002 with

World Cup Report:May 2004 Men’s Epee

{mosimage} While the Olympic bids are all set, there is still a good amount of fencing to do between now and Athens.  The individuals and

What is a distance parry?

{mosimage}Many fencers and referees have heard the term “distance parry” to describe a fencing action. This action is composed of a fencer’s defense by retreating

Columbia, Commodore 64 prep fencer for Games

Thanks to his Pan Am Games victory in August, Dan Kellner can claim to the best men’s foil fencer in the Western Hemisphere. The world

My Hero was Vladimir Smirnov

{mosimage}3 time Men’s Foil World Champion Sergei Golubitsky takes some time to review the proposed rules changes to foil, where the game is going, and