Articles By This Author


Yale: Men’s fencing seeks to crush the Violets

They may be a little green around the gills, but the rookie fencers put on a strong showing for the Yale men’s fencing team at


Epee Troubleshooting

Basic troubleshooting guide for electric epee.


Foil Troubleshooting

Basic troubleshooting procedures for the most common problems in dealing with electric foil fencing.

Fencing Drills Training Tips

Soviet Foil Drills II (Reciprocal Drills)

Circular Takes and Deceives This drill is designed to facilitate the development of hand speed, small blade work, feeling the opponents blade, and the ever

Fencing Drills Training Tips

Soviet Foil Drills (Reciprical Drills)

Straight attacks. The following drills are designed to develop the fencer’s sense of distance and timing as well as the fencer’s ability to maintain distance.