Articles By This Author


Rewiring a Foil Blade

Question: The wire in my electric foil has been pulled out. I’ve been told to bend the sword, apply glue and press the wire back


Care and Feeding of a New Lame

Question: How do I take care of a new lame? How can I repair a lame with a few dead spots? When you get a


Point in Line after an Attack

Q: Some people have referred to “the point in line fallacy,” which is that any maintained extension constitutes point in line for right of way

Rules Training Tips

Right of Way with the Retreat

Bill Oliver, member of the FOC, sometimes contributes to Fencing.Net by answering some questions that get asked in the Discussion Forum.  The question of how footwork and bladework both impact


Fencing.Net now running Mambo!

I’ve moved the bulk of the Fencing.Net content over to the Mambo Open Source content management system.