Articles By This Author

Training Tips

The Tactical Wheel: Second Intention Offense

Offensive Second Intention Once you have established either your ability to carry out a simple attack, defense or counter-offense, you will need to be able

Training Tips

The Tactical Wheel: First Intention Counter-Offense

Counter-Offensive First Intention Counter-offensive First Intention is the third “spoke” in the Tactical Wheel. By definition, this is a tactic by which you wait for

Training Tips

The Tactical Wheel: First Intention Defense

Defensive First Intention First Intention Defense is the second spoke in the Tactical Wheel. By definition, this is a tactic by which you wait for

Training Tips

The Tactical Wheel: First Intention Attacks

First Intention Attacks The first “spoke” in the Tactical Wheel is the First Intention Attack. By definition, this is an attack that you launch in

Training Tips

Tactical Progression of the Bout – The Tactical Wheel

This edition concerns itself with the tactical progression of a bout. Most fencers learn these concepts through the progression of drills and lessons with a