Articles By This Author


Holiday Gift Ideas for the Fencer

What to get for your fencing enthusiast? We’ve pulled together a bunch of gift ready items that delight the fencer and are the things that

Black Friday – Hoodie and T

This T Shirt comes just in time for Black Friday Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving! This Black Friday we’re launching two of our newest

FencingRef iPhone App Review

Michael takes a look at FencingRef, an iPhone / iTouch application in use at many local fencing tournaments. Fencing Ref is the premier mobile tool

Pederson Selected as Womens Foil Coach

The US Fencing Association reported today that Michael Pederson will be returning to the post of national coach for the women’s foil program for the


Deconstructing the Art and Science of Fencing

The free arm in classical position. Modern fencers are lacking in control, are often off balance, prone to injury, and generally a disgrace to the