Articles By This Author


FIE Congress Results

During its Congress, held last weekend in Leipzig (Germany), the International Fencing Federation (FIE) decided to continue with the modernisation of its sport. The delegates

Fencing Drills Training Tips

Feint-Deceive Exercises Part 2

Feint Deceive Exercises, Part II  (P: Pupil, L: Leader) 1.  Slow – Fast Tempo Exercise L: Straight attack with lunge P: Slow circular parry with

Fencing Drills Training Tips

Feint-Deceive Exercises Part 1

Feint Deceive Exercises  (P: Pupil, L: Leader) 1.  Feint Deceive Decision Exercise A. P: Begin Attack (Simultaneous Tempo) L: No reaction P: Continue attack and

Fencing Drills Training Tips

Simple Defense Exercises

Simple Defense Exercises – Parry/Riposte Drills

Fencing Drills Training Tips

Simple Attack Drills

This first set of drills were used by Ron Miller, coach of the UNC- Chapel Hill fencing team. The goal of these drills is to