Articles By This Author

The Fencing Coach Code of Honor
- By Damien Lehfeldt
- . May 10, 2013
The other day, I was fencing at a tournament at the Maryland Fencing Club, and noticed that the salle’s head coach, Greg Paye had placed

What the fencing community can learn from the firing of Mike Rice
- By Damien Lehfeldt
- . April 5, 2013
On April 3, 2013, Rutgers University fired basketball head coach Mike Rice one day after ESPN’s “Outside the Lines” published a damning report on Rice’s

In fencing, pick one weapon and stick to it
- By Damien Lehfeldt
- . April 3, 2013
In his latest piece in the Washington Times, DC Fencers Club Member/Coach Damien Lehfeldt discusses why it is in a fencer’s best interest to pick

Seven principles of fencing that translate to the business world
- By Damien Lehfeldt
- . March 20, 2013
In a recent article in the New York Times, Trip Advisor CEO Stephen Kaufer briefly glossed over the virtues fencing had instilled in him. “In

2013 NCAA Fencing Championship Predictions
- By Damien Lehfeldt
- . March 18, 2013
In his latest in the Washington Times, Damien Lehfeldt provides his predictions for the 2013 NCAA Championships. A tough field of great competitors this year.