Gear Guides World News

Prat Saber Handle – Confirmed FIE Legal

An orthopedic handle for saber?  Back in 2010 the Poignée Prat saber handle was introduced and sold via the manufacturer and Cartel Escrime.  Speculation abounded

Doris Willette
News Profiles

Doris Willette – Excited for London

Making the Olympic team in any capacity is a goal that most people can only dream about.  This Olympic luster may be diminished though, by

World News

Aldo Montano Injured at Italian National Championships

Aldo Montano (ITA) won the 2011 World Championship in Men’s Sabre coming off of an injury. It looks like he’ll have to try to will his way to another Olympic medal, if he recovers in time to compete at the London Olympics.

History World News

Italian Fencing Legend Edoardo Mangiarotti Dies at 93

Edoardo Mangiarotti (ITA), Member of Honour of the FIE, passed away during the night of May 24, 2012.  Mangiarotti won more Olympic medals and world

Miles Chamley-Watson
News Profiles

Miles Chamley-Watson: Winning by a Whisker

8 Points.  After a full year of competition and over 5,000 points earned, that is the amount of points that separated being on the Olympic