Featured Products

Adidas D’Artagnan V Fencing Shoes – Coming in January 2017
- By Craig Harkins
- . December 2, 2016
Adidas is releasing another version of the fencer-favorite D’Artagnan line with the 5th version of the shoe launching in January 2017. There’s little information on

Adidas 2016 Fencing Shoe
- By Craig Harkins
- . February 11, 2016
Each Olympics Adidas introduces a new fencing shoe. This consistent product delivery has fencers looking forward to Olympic years to see what Adidas will come

New Epee Point Screw Reviewed!
- By Craig Harkins
- . January 9, 2013
We received our copy of American Fencing magazine and saw that Ben Bratton had written up a review of the NEPS screws and driver that

Leon Paul Evolution Grip
- By Craig Harkins
- . November 6, 2012
This looks interesting. Sugru allows for molding of the pistol grip to just the exact shape that you want. This is an evolution from the

New Product: NEPS Epee Point Screws
- By Craig Harkins
- . October 5, 2012
This is a pretty cool new product that came across the Armory Section of the Fencing.Net Forums. An engineer in Spain had come up with