US Fencing News
News related to US Fencing and the US fencing team.

Daryl Homer and Tim Morehouse Talk Saber
- By Craig Harkins
- . December 19, 2011
Daryl Homer and Tim Morehouse spent some time after the Kansas City North American Cup (NAC) answering some questions for Fencing.Net

Checking Epee Length at Kansas City
- By Craig Harkins
- . December 10, 2011
Some epee fencers in the Division I event at the Kansas City NAC had to go through an additional step in the equipment control process

USA Foil Coaching Changes
- By Craig Harkins
- . November 22, 2011
The end of the year is bringing about rumors of coaching changes in the Women’s Foil and Men’s Foil squads.

Margaret Lu nabs Gold in Bratislava
- By Craig Harkins
- . November 21, 2011
Margaret Lu led US results this weekend as there were Junior World Cups for all 6 fencing disciplines this weekend. Lu won the Junior Women’s

Mariel Zagunis is 2010-2011 World Cup Champion for Sabre
- By Craig Harkins
- . November 3, 2011
Italy dominates world rankings in fencing for the 2010-2011 FIE World Cup season. Lausanne, 3 November 2011 – With Elisa Di Francisca (women’s foil), Paolo