Craig is on a well deserved vacation, so your friendly neighborhood intern will be filling in for this week’s edition of Fencing Around the Web! Let’s get started.
USFA’s SafeSport Policy
What’s got everyone talking this week? It’s USFA’s SafeSport Policy.
Join in the discussion on the forums, and see how you’ll be affected this coming season.
Have comments or concerns? You’re not alone. Michael Heggen, head instructor of Salem Classical Fencing, has founded to address the perceived problems of the SafeSport policy.
Summer Nationals Preservation
Last week Mary Griffith gave a more lighthearted report on Summer Nationals and its improvements over last year in Anaheim. In her latest blog post, she continues her thorough discussion of the tournament but takes on a more serious tone.
She begins with a look back on the three previous Summer Nationals (and a throwback to 2006), noting that despite problems with the tournament people are still coming back year after year to volunteer or referee.
But how long will it last if things don’t change to protect those who make Summer Nationals possible? I find this post highlighting the exhaustion issues volunteers and referees faced coming at an incredibly important time with the SafeSport policy on the table for debate.
She brings up many good concerns about the safety and well-being of those not only fencing during these large and long events, but those working to make sure they run smoothly.With how much Summer Nationals is growing, things are going to have to change or volunteers might not be so inclined to come back next year.
Tim Morehouse Moderates London Anniversary G+ Hangout
If you missed it, be sure to check out the London Anniversary Google+ Hangout. Moderated by Olympic silver medalist Tim Morehouse, he and other 2012 Olympians answered questions asked by viewers on twitter:
En garde: Washington Fencing Academy
Even from the local level, it’s great seeing fencing in the media.
This week Christina Corrales-Toy of the Issaquah Press covered the Washington Fencing Academy. WFA offers classes to all ages and skill levels; drawing most of its students from the cities of Issaquah, Bellevue, Mercer Island and Sammamish in Washington State.
However don’t just consider them a regular local club- they’ve had international visitors from Egypt, Japan, and beyond. It was founded twelve years ago by Serge Timacheff and Kevin Mar, and recently changed locations to what some describe as Issaquah’s “sports row”. Check the link below for the full article.

While I was looking for a funny image to share for this week, I stumbled upon a picture of Grace Kelly training for the fencing scenes in her 1956 movie The Swan. A little googling led me to this video that is a scene from the movie where Kelly’s character is taking fencing lessons:
Though obviously a little dated, how do you think her lesson compares to a modern day one? How about its accuracy to the sport?