Morehouse Fencing Shoe from AF

Tim Morehouse gets his own Fencing Shoe

Absolute Fencing is releasing their new model of fencing shoe, which they are dubbing the Morehouse USA Elite in honor of Tim Morehouse.  As far

NEPS - New Epee Point Screws
Featured Products General

New Product: NEPS Epee Point Screws

This is a pretty cool new product that came across the Armory Section of the Fencing.Net Forums.  An engineer in Spain had come up with

General News Video

2012 Olympics: Recap Video

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has a YouTube channel!  In that channel they are starting to load up videos from the Olympic Games. The first

Child ready to fence
Fencing 101 General

Beginning the Fencing Season: Pre-Season Checklist

Some tips for parents for setting goals for the start of the fencing season. August is the start of the new fencing season, and with that come new fencers in beginning classes as well as brand new seasons across school leagues.


Marketing Your Club Post-Olympics

Every four years the Olympics provides and opportunity for increased mass awareness of smaller niche sports like fencing. Here are a few ways to jump