
Love of the Blade – Saber Coach Journeys through Olympic Disenchantment

Hristo Entropolski’s life is sewn with patches of triumph, complexity and adversity. He has criss-crossed the globe for years, participating in two Olympic Games and dozens of world championships as an athlete, club owner and coach. His journey began 50 years ago in Bulgaria, and eventually landed him in the United States. Hristo’s life is a tapestry whose saber is the needle that binds its disparate threads.


Internationally Renowned Scientist Keeps Young with a Sword in His Hand

Dr. Wallace Friedberg is known worldwide for his pioneering work involving solar radiation. He has overcome personal bouts with cancer and tuberculosis, yet still spends several evenings each week with an epee in his hand, training at the local fencing club.


Deconstructing the Art and Science of Fencing

The free arm in classical position. Modern fencers are lacking in control, are often off balance, prone to injury, and generally a disgrace to the

Rules Video

Duck and Cover – Covering Target with the Mask

Just when is ducking in foil allowed and when does it constitute covering target? In this brief guide we’ll walk through some video examples of “good” and “bad” ducking to show you a properly executed duck and one that is an infraction and should earn the fencer a yellow card.


Silly “fencing” video from The Onion

The Onion is at it again – this time they look to skewer fencing with a story on the “Bad Boy of Fencing” and his