Armory FAQs Fencing 101 Gear Guides

Best Foil Tip / Point Tape

If you’ve ever tried to put electrical or some other random type of tape on your foil, you’ll know that foil tip tape (or point

Armory Features News

Inexpensive Wheelchair Fencing Frame Developed by UK Students

A team of undergraduate engineers in London has just made the sport of wheelchair fencing a lot more affordable. A low-cost version of an elite-level

NCAA Fencing
Collegiate Features Fencing 101 High School Fencing

Roughly 35% of Women High School Fencers Will Fence On An NCAA Team

There was an article floating around from ScholarshipStats (which can be found here) last week making the claim that high school fencers had a roughly

Fencing 101 News US Fencing News

US Fencing Answers Your Club Insurance Questions

The 2017-2018 fencing season brought a number of changes in memberships, in terms of cost, benefits, and processes. Those changes brought questions. The popularity of

Features Fencing 101 Training Tips

The FIE Coaching Academy: Quick Coaching Tips

Before I left for Budapest, I asked the /r/fencing Subreddit what they wanted me to write about. The top response was: “Stuff that I can